Documentation 2019

The Microsystem Festival 2019 – Documentation

Pre Festival day – 26 February

Creativity day – Set your mind free! Interactive Creative Workshop
Facilitators: Pernilla Söderberg, Jesper Ekberg (Region Jönköping County, Sweden) and Boel Andersson Gäre (Region Jönköping and Jönköping University, Sweden)

The Microsystem Festival – February 27

10:15-11:15 Keynote I: Sustain@bility
Presenter: Göran Henriks (Region Jönköping County, Sweden)

Block A – Mini course – 13.15-16.45

A1 – Coaching the Art and Science of Health Care Improvement with Team Coaching
Marjorie Godfrey, Tina Foster and Julie Johnson (The Dartmouth Institute, USA)

A2 – Working through the 5 leadership behaviours
Jason Leitch (Scottish Government, UK)

A3 – Gerontechnology for Sustainability
Martina Boström (Region Jönköping County, Sweden) and Sofi Fristedt (Jönköping University, Sweden)

A4 – Doing change sustainably
Helen Bevan (National Health Service, UK), Göran Henriks and Anette Nilsson (Region Jönköping County, Sweden)

A5 – Esther Boot Camp
Presenters: Anna Carlbom (Design and Learning Centre for Clinical and Social Innovation, UK), Nicoline Vackerberg (Region Jönköping County, Sweden), Marie Winald Karlström (Modiga Mia, Sweden), Johan Thureson (patient representative, Sweden) and Caroline Ärleskog (TUC, Sweden)

A6 – Sustainable collaboration for health
Presenters: Jesper Ekberg (Region Jönköping County, Sweden) et al.

Keynote II: Sustainability in all stages of life
Presenter: Barbro Westerholm (Swedish Government, Sweden)

The Microsystem Festival – February 27

Block B – Parallell Seminars – 09:15-10:15

Delivering Sustainable Mental Health Services in Singapore – The Institute of Mental Health (IMH) Perspective – through Patient and Staff Focused Approaches
Hong Choon Chua, Raphael Lim and Tina Fang (Institute of Mental Health, Singapore)

Sustain balance and find abilities in your capacity
Capacity and prosuction planning program – Womens Health in Jönköping
Lina Johannesson, Maria Ingebritsen, Maria Malmström and Pernilla Söderberg (Region Jönköping County, Sweden) 

Going home from hospital – better integrated care! How to plan, act and make the best transition from hospital care to home care
Ann-Marie Thordeman and Robert Kristiansson (Uppsala County Council, Sweden)

Patient pathway from home to home – a holistic commitment to Health services in Finnmark – North of Norway
Kristin Pedersen (The Finnmark Hospital, Norway)

Esther SimLab
Maria Johansson, Marcus Lidin, Patrik Blomqvist and Henrik Ånfors (Region Jönköping County, Sweden)

SustainAbility = LeadershipAbility
Marjorie Godfrey (The Dartmouth Institute, USA) et al.

Sustainable value creation with the microsystem as the driving force – lessons from a 10 years journey
Thomas Schneider and Charlotte Forsberg (Bracke Diakonia, Sweden)

Improve early identification and management of adult patients with sepsis in the emergency department in the University Hospital of Northern Norway
Trine Olsen (University Hospital of Northern Norway)

Improving the Care of Patients with Acute Kidney Injury
Fiona Duthie (National Health Service, UK)

The St. Triduana’s Story Implementing care and support planning within a House of Care framework for people with long term conditions
Alison Fox (St Triduana’s Medical Practice, Scotland) and William Kløverød Griffiths (Scotland’s House of Care Health, Scotland)

Together for a better health and equal care
Anette Nilsson (Region Jönköping County, Sweden)

We believe in the power of continuous learning in healthcare. Do you?
Jaco van der Worp (Green Hart Hospital, Netherlands)

10:45-11:45 Keynote III: “Winter is coming” how the future is catching up on us today
Presenter: Lucien Engelen

Block C – Parallell Seminars – 13:30-14:30

Using a novel approach, the researcher in residence model, to evaluate system sustainability
Susan Martin (National Health Service, UK), Rachael Campbell and Julian Elston (University of Plymouth, UK)

Patient compact for best possible health and equal care
Sofia Persson and Magdalena Fritzson (Region Jönköping County, Sweden)

Co-production – essential to achieve and maintain sustainable care
Annmargreth Kvarnefors and Patrik Blomqvist (Region Jönköping County, Sweden)

A healthy working place for a healthy working life
Agata Rukat (Region Jönköping County, Sweden) and Ylva Wikland (Gislaved municipality, Sweden)

Boston RESILIENT: Using student engagement, co-design, and community organizing to share narratives of hope from the opioid epidemic 
Galina Gheihman (Harvard Medical School, USA)

“We make it easy to get it right” when handling medicines. Nine nursing homes going from short term project thinking to systematic and sustainable quality improvement
Dorte Münter (Health and Care management, Municipality of Copenhagen, Denmark)

I trust my physician – Older persons’ experiences regarding evaluation of their medication treatment
Malin Holmqvist (Region Jönköping County and Jönköping University, Sweden)

From good to great! The building of multi professional teams that with effectiveness, high competence and an approach of concern, curiosity and participation can give a better support to children and adolescents with chronic diseases
Gabriella Roström (Region Kronoberg, Sweden)

Torbay Charts in Patient-centred Shared Decision Making
Rangaraju Ramesh (National Health Service, UK)

Reducing Harm from Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in NHS Grampian
Laura Clark (National Health Service, UK)

Adopting ’Daily Dynamic Discharges’ in an acute medical ward in NHS Tayside, Scotland
Dirk Habicht (National Health Service, UK)

Microsystems in Armenia: pediatric experience of university hospital – How to make a sustainable development?
Nune Baghdasaryan (Yerevan State Medical University, Armenia)

Current collaboration between Armenia and Region Jönköping County
Simon Rundquist, Fredrik Ingemansson and Peter Iveroth (Region Jönköping County, Sweden)

Keynote IV: How to sustain large scale change
Presenter: Jason Leitch

Improvement Science Day – March 1

09:30-10:20 Keynote V: SHIFT-ing
Presenter: Julie Reed

13:00-14:45 Four selectable themes

Theme 1: Quality improvement of postgraduate medical education: evaluation for sustainable quality
Presenters: Lia Fluit and Tim Klaassen (Nijmegen, the Netherlands)

Theme 2: A year in an hour – an interactive case study
Presenters: Julie Reed (NIHR London)

Theme 3: Sustainability, anticipation, and control of changes and improvements in health care
Presenters: Erik Hollnagel, Axel Ros, and Boel Andersson Gäre, (Region Jönköping and Jönköping University)

Theme 4: Next stop – forward!
Presenters: Carolina Bergerum, The University of Borås, Eva Arvidsson, Region Jönköping County, Sofia Dahlin, Region Östergötland

The programme for Microsystem festival 2022 will be build around the five success factors for high performing clinical microsystems.

Each stream will be devoted to one of the success factors and it will comprise of a key-note, a few presentations of improvement work and cases and an international team work problem- solving challenge facilitated by a coach from Qulturum, Region Jönköping County.

At the festival, you will be given many opportunities to exchange experiences and ideas with people from all over the world. People, who share your passion for microsystems and quality improvement and who come to the festival because they believe in the power of Synergy and the importance of spreading Energy for change.