Improving ICU Retrieval of Intubated Patients at National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID)

Improving ICU Retrieval of Intubated Patients at National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID)

The NCID ICU Retrieval Protocol for intubated patients was established for safety of the intubated patient’s transfer following post code-blue or intubation. The protocol includes response time of within 15minutes on site to general ward by ICU Nurse along with required ICU equipment during transfer. After initiating the protocol, feedback from physician highlighted several practice gaps in the process. Response compliance rate by retrieval nurse was 46%. This led to a review of the service, with aims to improve compliance to NCID Protocol for retrieval of intubated patients by retrieval team from 46% to 100%. Using the CPIP methodology, top vital few root causes were identified and series of PDSA cycles were carried out to tackle on each root. The project had successfully increased the compliance rate to Retrieval Protocol of Intubated Patient by Retrieval Team from baseline median of 46% to 77% from Jul 2019-Feb 2020, and further sustained and improved to 100% as of Feb 2022.


The programme for Microsystem festival 2022 will be build around the five success factors for high performing clinical microsystems.

Each stream will be devoted to one of the success factors and it will comprise of a key-note, a few presentations of improvement work and cases and an international team work problem- solving challenge facilitated by a coach from Qulturum, Region Jönköping County.

At the festival, you will be given many opportunities to exchange experiences and ideas with people from all over the world. People, who share your passion for microsystems and quality improvement and who come to the festival because they believe in the power of Synergy and the importance of spreading Energy for change.