Measuring Performance – Now and Then

Measuring Performance – Now and Then

Measuring Performance – Now and Then

Stream 2 - Feb 28

The challenge with data driven leadership and improvements over the microsystem festival era will be highlighted and explored together. We will go back to the foundation of performance measurements and illustrate how we over the years have tried to apply theory in practice. How can we use the infrastructure today for data collection and technological progress for visualization to go from tally sheets and printed graphs on the wall to data on digital dashboards. All this with the purpose  to support the every-day work in the micro- meso and macrosystem.

View presentation (PDF, opens in a new tab)

Keynote speaker/s:

The programme for Microsystem festival 2022 will be build around the five success factors for high performing clinical microsystems.

Each stream will be devoted to one of the success factors and it will comprise of a key-note, a few presentations of improvement work and cases and an international team work problem- solving challenge facilitated by a coach from Qulturum, Region Jönköping County.

At the festival, you will be given many opportunities to exchange experiences and ideas with people from all over the world. People, who share your passion for microsystems and quality improvement and who come to the festival because they believe in the power of Synergy and the importance of spreading Energy for change.